JHipster Online

As we have discussed in my previous articles, JHipster is an application generator that will create a Spring Boot (Java) application for you.  JHipster has become a very popular application generator among Java developers, it focuses on generating a high quality application with a Java back-end using an extensive set of Spring technologies.

Rather than installing JHipster on your computer system, you can use JHipster Online to generate your application projects.  Please visit https://start.jhipster.tech/generate-application to get started, no installation is required.

JHipster Online

A feature I love so much is the ability to push the generated code to your GitHub or GitLab account directly. A JHipster bot does that for you, it will create a new GitHub or GitLab repository and push the generated project in that repository.

I have configured my GitHub and GitLab accounts to the JHipster Online Generator. See the image below on option to select Git Provider and company listed in my Git accounts.


The project generated will be pushed to my GitHub Account. You also have the option of downloading it as a zipped application.

So, Go try it now.
